All the new technological advances happening around the globe have turned everything into smart technology. Smart technology means something easier the control and intuitive as well. Turning your whole house into a smart house might feel a bit overwhelming. So, why not start with the smart curtains.

Smart Curtains are pieces of fabric just like your usual curtains. What makes them different is that they are installed with motors and other amplifying accessories. Which are used to control the movement and style of the curtains

  • Assemble all the parts of the curtain in a single place. Put together the track and tighten Allen screws on the sides. Make sure that they are in the right lines. If there are any rough edges, sand them and place the track, and slot side up.
  • Make sure that you do not end up cutting the belt. For a single side opening circle, the belt around the pulley ends and joins in the center. Set the pulleys similarly to the track without connecting, with the motor side up.
  • Run the belt on the bottom channel of the assembled track, push it on the pulley end, add the end cap and insert plastic trolley pieces with trolley wheels towards the pulley. Insert belt that was attached with the trolley to the top track while pulling it down to the mid-section.
  • On the second pulley’s end repeat the process., Run the belt on the bottom channel of the assembled track, push it on the pulley end, add the end cap and insert plastic trolley pieces with trolley wheels towards the pulley. Insert belt that was attached with the trolley to the top track while pulling it down to the mid-section.
  • feed the belt through the pulley, and apply the end cap. Now feed the belt via the trolley on the top track and pull to the first trolley. Attach the trolleys and pull them together.
  • Assess the length of the belt, where the two trollies meet and are fastened together. If case of slack trim half to one inch of the belt so that the tension in the belt remains steady. This might mean you have to redo the steps of the trollies again; pieces of the trolley are available to do so.
  • After you have adjusted the belt accordingly so that the trolleys meet, insert the comb metal piece vortically to the center of the trolleys. Make sure you are placing these on the sides of the curtain you wish for them to open to. Put a bolt on the s-shaped metal via the trolley, add three-hole backers onto the opposite side, these plates holes are threaded so you do not need to install screws or nails. Now put on the tensioners and the curtain rings.
  • Now apply tension to the system, do this with two or more people by splitting the pulley to track the difference. Fix one tensioner, change the tension on the unfixed side of the pulley, evaluate it and then fix all the examining tensioners at the designated points so that the trolley moves easily.
  • Mount the curtain with the track and the system on the wall using the given hardware. Now put the motor on the track as well and join it with the power supply.